The State Labor Government tore up the contracts for Roe 8 after their 2017 election win, turning Leach Hwy into a permanent freight corridor to Fremantle Port.
Now, traffic congestion is worse than ever.
The current Labor Member for Riverton’s response is to spend $5M of taxpayer money to add more traffic lights on Leach Hwy at Beatrice Avenue, and limit access for local residents into their own community.
Our community deserves better.
We need a proper solution – We need to expand Shelley Bridge.
As a local, I believe the Government needs to remove the choke points along Leach Hwy and reduce congestion by widening Shelley Bridge.
As those who rely on Leach Hwy and the surrounding road network know, the pressure on Shelley Bridge is more than ever, and we see that in the mornings with traffic often queuing back to as far as Karel Ave.
We need a real solution, and not Labor’s Band-Aid proposal which will only make matters worse.
Your Voice Matters.
Sign the petition now to show your support to the expansion of Shelley Bridge.
Let's keep Leach Hwy moving smoothly for everyone.
Together, we can make a difference.